Wednesday, February 15, 2006


dE-cHuan....bile mau balik maaa??!
Just wishEs u comin back matE!!


4 cars rEady to blow smokE off...

but left baby already changEd hand...sadnEss bacHikoiiii!!

aLL in grEat memory swEEt rEd!!!wish 4 nEw onE...bacHikoi!!

Monday, February 13, 2006

at Yamada....

aku kt yamada ngan litt_bRo nie...
anti aku check blk mail...
sape2 nk mess...mess ahh lu

sambil massage tu tgk Torino2006 kt tb2 besaq agi tu..BRAVIA,WEGA,AQUOS..bla..bla..(x ingat dh cos byk sgt...adeih)

mmg zeitaku abis ahh...mujur xleh mkn minum aje atas kusi massage tu..kalau x...haaa padia?!!BacHikoi ahhh..foOooo0

Litt_bRo tangkap lentok beb ngan kusi tu...foOooo0

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Fork in de' road....samishiii

oOoo0h i miss tht time...
sing song at kaRaokE with Otousan,Okaasan,Piz Koba n funky dokEy!!bachiKoi

wE stooped by to Anan b4 go to mEnsEtsu at WAKO...nice trip(*_*)

but thts fun time maybe nevEr come again...
All of us get 2 go to crossroads of our fatEs with own dEstination.......
LifE is fuLL of mEEtings n paRtings...
buT good-by so suck!!!syanaiiii...

bEst nye kalau dpt camni lg...likE back 2 da futurE tu....but da answEr exactLy no!!TotaLLy imposibLe...ohhh i miss tht nicE timE guys...

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

baby miLo...vs BatHing APE

uishhh bEst nye dpt juper miLo tachi...

smlm bosan2 kuar wonda2 with Litt_bro...

then jupe la plak ngan miLo2 n his gangs...bacHikoi!!

To my LuvLy housEmatE...

Ruangan nie khas utk bebudak umah aku yg suke isap MarLboRo ...dan x lupe juge utk insan yg suke kenktut ....kEtaR&kEdin...

tgk apE dh jadi....bacHikoi

sak kok lu!!!foOoooo

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Nagashi soumen..

nie mase p Tochi-foOoo0 ngan miker...

1st taiken mkn nagashi soumen...murah n mmg fantastic!!

sape x try rugi beb!!

Ich LiebE es...bachiKoi...

Sunday, February 05, 2006


whEn de LifE seems to bE approacHing of confusing...?!

Saturday, February 04, 2006

jibun rashii sa...

at KLCC with Kunimoto...

mesia hot...ahaks

Thursday, February 02, 2006

at Embassy

Party at Embassy M'sia in Japan...

Miker,Abg.Eldeen n me...Abg.EldEEn is very cool guy!!BacHikoi

mase kiteorg pi,siap ade mkn2 tu beb...masakan mesia yg bacHikoi!!saiko

layanan dr pihak taishikan pn begitu fantastic

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

B4 vs Altezza


atama ga itakunaRu naRu...

nanKa samuuuuu...